Organizational structure


Since the main activity of our company is shipbuilding and ship repair, the basic functions are accordingly distributed as departments, and at the same time bookkeeping and administrative tasks are entrusted to the company Tehnomont d.d.
Tehnomont Brodogradilište Pula d.o.o as a business model is based on the functional and geographical model of organization.
 At the same time, at lower organizational levels, a model of project organization is emerging, especially in the partial departments dealing with shipbuilding and ship repair.
In addition to this main which takes place in the domestic region, our company has an obligation through our subsidiary to support investment projects in foreign countries with respect to Germany.
From the data below it can be seen that our company runs the business in different places, and this leads to the formation of a working team depending on the needs of the project.
This is the reason why workers can switch from one company to another in our group, depending on the project conditions.In a slightly smaler volume, the same appears in domestic production, when a new project (ship) is contracted, we establish an appropriate project team in charge of project implementation within the company.

You can download  here the TEHNOMONT COMPANY PROFILE